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Building a successful business requires courage and diligence. Empowering the next generation of your family requires the same.
We take a holistic coaching approach to navigating family dynamics, understanding family values and inspiring kids to contribute in meaningful ways.
Our range of services aims to provide wrap-around support for both your family and business.
  • Family | Kimpton & Co


    Bringing family values and clarity of outcomes to the forefront

    Taking what’s been achieved as foundation for planning and legacy empowerment across multi generations 

    Taking all on the journey towards their individual potential while maintaining value in family dynamics and personal objectives


  • Optimising business performance and outcomes | Kimpton & Co


    Optimising performance and outcomes in line with family objectives

    Management and operational structures that support and encourage great leadership while ensuring shareholder value is protected 

    Broader ways of thinking about succession, while maintaining power and privilege of family business ownership

  • Technical and operational structured | Kimpton & Co


    Technical and operational structures that work cohesively, all underpinned with family objectives and desired outcomes 

    Age and skill appropriate learning and growth along with commercial and business empowerment

    Transitioning founder’s hard work into a foundation and platform that endures across multiple generations; supporting life outcomes, commercial success and family togetherness